Borassus aethiopum - African Palmyra Palm Add a touch of grandeur and functionality to your landscape with Borassus aethiopum, commonly known as the African Palmyra Palm or Deleb Palm. This iconic and versatile palm is admired for its towering stature, fan-shaped leaves, and multiple uses in traditional and modern contexts. Features: Mature Height: Grows up to 25–30 meters, with a straight, robust trunk that is slightly swollen at the base and ringed with leaf scars. Distinctive Crown: Features a dense crown of large, fan-shaped leaves that can reach up to 3 meters in length, adding a striking tropical aesthetic. Long Lifespan: Known for its longevity, the African Palmyra Palm can live for over a century, making it a long-term investment in any landscape. Fruits: Produces large, round, orange-brown fruits that are both visually appealing and functional, often used as food. Benefits: Drought-Tolerant: Thrives in arid and semi-arid climates, making it ideal for dry regions and water-scarce environments. Multi-Purpose: Every part of the tree is useful, from its leaves for thatching and weaving, to its fruits for food, and its trunk for construction. Wildlife-Friendly: Attracts various wildlife, including birds and insects, while its fruits serve as food for animals. Erosion Control: Its deep and extensive root system stabilizes soil, making it excellent for combating erosion. Uses: Ornamental Landscaping: Perfect as a dramatic focal point in large gardens, parks, or along avenues. Food Source: The fruits are edible and highly nutritious, while the sap can be tapped to produce palm wine or syrup. Materials: The leaves are traditionally used for crafting mats, baskets, and roofing materials, while the wood is valued for construction and carpentry. Shade Provider: The large crown provides excellent shade, making it ideal for community spaces or agricultural fields.