Tabebuia rosea, also known as the pink trumpet tree or rosa morada, is a striking and ornamental flowering tree native to tropical regions, particularly in Central and South America. It is admired for its vibrant pink blossoms and is often used in landscaping for its beauty and ecological benefits. Here are the key features of this tree: Features: Mature Height: It typically reaches a height of 25 to 30 feet (7.5 to 9 meters), but it can grow up to 40 feet (12 meters) in ideal conditions. Leaves: The leaves are large, compound, and dark green, consisting of 5 to 7 leaflets. Flowers: Tabebuia rosea is best known for its abundant, trumpet-shaped flowers, which are typically pink and appear in large clusters. The tree blooms in the spring and early summer, covering the tree in a blanket of color. Fruits: The tree produces long, cylindrical seed pods that turn brown as they mature. These pods contain flat, winged seeds. Ecological and Practical Importance: Ecological Role: Its flowers provide nectar for bees and other pollinators. The tree's seed pods are eaten by some animals, contributing to seed dispersal. Timber: The wood of Tabebuia rosea is durable and has been used in construction and making furniture. Cultural and Ornamental Significance: Ornamental: Its stunning pink flowers make it a popular choice for gardens, parks, and streetscapes. The tree provides ample shade due to its broad canopy and is often planted as a decorative tree in tropical regions. Growing Conditions: Climate: Tabebuia rosea thrives in tropical and subtropical climates with warm temperatures and consistent rainfall. Soil: It prefers well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soils but is adaptable to different soil types. Watering: While it is drought-tolerant once established, it thrives in moist conditions and requires regular watering, especially during dry spells. Flowering Season: The tree blooms in the spring and early summer, with the flowers lasting for several weeks. In some regions, the flowers may bloom in waves, creating a continuous display of color for months. Care and Maintenance: Growth Rate: Tabebuia rosea is a moderately fast-growing tree, quickly providing shade and ornamental beauty. Pruning: Occasional pruning helps maintain the shape of the tree and encourages healthier growth, but it generally requires little maintenance.

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